Peer-reviewed publications from our lab

Featured publications:

Snoring and risk of dementia: a prospective cohort and Mendelian randomization stud

Sleep (2024)

Gao Y, Andrews S, Daghlas I, Brenowitz W, Raji C, Yaffe K, Leng Y.

Harnessing Brain Pathology for Dementia Prevention

JAMA Neurology (2024)

Leng Y & Yaffe K.


Association Between Sleep Quantity and Quality in Early Adulthood With Cognitive Function in Midlife

Neurology (2024)

Leng Y, Knutson K, Carnethon MR, Yaffe K.


Multidimensional Sleep Health and Long-Term Cognitive Decline in Community-Dwelling Older Men

Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (2023)

Cavaillès C, Yaffe K, Blackwell T, Buysse D, Stone K, Leng Y. 


Daytime napping and Alzheimer's dementia: A potential bidirectional relationship

Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal Of The Alzheimer's Association (2022)

Li P, Gao L, Yu L, Zheng X, Ulsa MC, Yang HW, Gaba A, Yaffe K, Bennett DA, Buchman AS, Hu K, Leng Y.


Traumatic Brain Injury and Incidence Risk of Sleep Disorders in Nearly 200,000 US Veterans

Neurology (2021)

Leng Y, Byers AL, Barnes DE, Peltz CB, Li Y, Yaffe K.


Genetic Risk of Alzheimer's Disease and Sleep Duration in Non-Demented Elders

Annals Of Neurology (2020)

Leng Y, Ackley SF, Glymour MM, Yaffe K, Brenowitz WD.


Association of Circadian Abnormalities in Older Adults With an Increased Risk of Developing Parkinson Disease

JAMA Neurology (2020)

Leng Y, Blackwell T, Cawthon PM, Ancoli-Israel S, Stone KL, Yaffe K.


Objective napping, cognitive decline, and risk of cognitive impairment in older men

Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal Of The Alzheimer's Association (2019)

Leng Y, Redline S, Stone KL, Ancoli-Israel S, Yaffe K.


Association between circadian rhythms and neurodegenerative diseases

The Lancet Neurology (2019)

Leng Y, Musiek ES, Hu K, Cappuccio FP, Yaffe K.


Association of Sleep-Disordered Breathing With Cognitive Function and Risk of Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 

JAMA Neurology (2017)

Leng Y, McEvoy CT, Allen IE, Yaffe K.


Sleep duration and risk of fatal and nonfatal stroke: a prospective study and meta-analysis

Neurology (2015)

Leng Y, Cappuccio FP, Wainwright NW, Surtees PG, Luben R, Brayne C, Khaw KT.


Daytime napping and the risk of all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a 13-year follow-up of a British population

American Journal Of Epidemiology (2014)

Leng Y, Wainwright NW, Cappuccio FP, Surtees PG, Hayat S, Luben R, Brayne C, Khaw KT.


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